Friday, July 28, 2017


WE JUST FINISHED OUR LAST FINAL EXAM OF THE SUMMER SEMESTER!  I am so thrilled right now!! I know I have explained earlier this semester about the lack of blogging but there was not a lot going on besides studying and reading! Our final was on the 16 chapters from our Robbins textbook that we learned over the summer.  I definitely reviewed and studied but I was pleasantly surprised at how fast the information came back to me! I felt well prepared for the final exam.  We now have a 2.5 week break before classes start again for our final didactic semester.  I seriously cannot believe that we are this far in to the program. We will have more classes in the fall and more things going on so I will have more to blog about!

Although I made this semester sound a little boring, we did have a lot of fun on our free time!  I did study and read a lot but I also had a lot of time to enjoy the summer too!  I don’t want anyone to think we were completely miserable!. July 4th we rented a pontoon and went out on the lake nearby and had so much fun. That weekend we had a cookout and pool party to celebrate the holiday.  That is where the pictures from below came.

Right now, I am waiting on my husband to get home and we are going to enjoy a few days at the beach with my family. I am not sure if I’ve ever needed a vacation more in my life! I plan on not studying, doing some leisurely reading, and most importantly…relaxing!