Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2nd Rotation, Week 2-Johnstown, PA

I cannot believe my first rotation has come and gone! I finished up at Butler at the end of February and I am now at Conemaugh Health System in Johnstown,PA.  I loved my time at Butler and but I am excited to be here.  This rotation is a little different in a few ways:

-I am paired up with my classmate Hannah. This is nice because we can ask each other questions if we are not sure about something and I always love company! (Fun fact about me is I hate being alone for extended periods of time…)

-They provide housing and we live right across the street. I only have a 5 minute walk which is amazing compared to the over an hour drive I had for my last rotation. We also start at 9AM which is an hour later which means I should get more sleep but I don’t… (Another fun fact about me is that I am an early bird!)

-They provide us $6 a day to eat in the cafeteria which is amazing because the food here is insanely delicious. (I know, I was skeptical too because it is a hospital cafeteria…but it is awesome!)

We both gross at least one larger specimen a day such as a uterus, colon, or breast, but we have been told it should get busier. We also should be really quick at grossing placentas, because they get a lot of them here…in addition to biopsies and the non-complex specimens.  So far I am enjoying it and I will give another update in a few weeks!


  1. I was wondering if you could tell me what edition of the Robbins book you all are using.
